
This week we are back with another band of the week. This week’s band is called Ease.

Ease creates all different kinds of music. On the one hand there is very calm music with the acoustic guitar dominating while you can hear a quiet piano in the background. On the other hand he also produces music that is quite the opposite. There you can listen to the electric guitar in the foreground accompanied by the drums. But no matter if it is calmer or harder music there is one thing that is the same in all of Ease’s songs: He likes to produce music which only consists of instruments and refrains from singing to the music.

And that is actually what makes his songs perfect for people who create their own videos and who want to add music in the background. It is not only because you can find songs for a variety of different emotions and because you can easily add it to your own speech recording in the background. But Ease publishes his songs under the Creative Commons License which makes it easy for you to use it in your own projects that you want to publish later on as well.

So, when you are looking for nice music in any style you want or especially when you are searching for background music you definitely have to check out Ease. Simply find him on jamendo.com where he offers many songs to download! Enjoy his music!

Now listen to one of his songs called “Searching of Aeolus”.


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