The Bow

Today I will speak about an object known worldwide and which had a great importance in the past: the bow.

A bow is a weapon used to shoot arrows. It is made up of a long curved stick and a string which is tied to both ends. Ancient bows were made of natural materials like wood or bone and sinew, but today they are often made of plastic and similar materials.

The use of a bow is called archery. A person who uses a bow is an archer, someone who makes arrows is a fletcher and a person who makes bows is a bowyer.

This weapon was invented by a Greek warrior during a long period of war. The first bow found was in Minoan Crete dated about 2300 BC.  

Nowadays they are not used in battles, they are used mostly in hunting and sport.

So, what do you think about it? You think that the bow was invented in Greece? Check the solution in out website!


The oldest traces on using the bow date from the Upper Palaeolithic period (from 120,000 to 20,000 years ago)


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