
The Creeper is a terrifying and unknown creature whose origins are mostly unknown.
There are people that think that this creature is from the south of the Europe but nobody no exactly where he is from.

You do not know when it first appeared, or what exactly is it Its moat is an abandoned and decadent temple whose basement has walls completely covered with hundreds of corpses piled over the years. This suggests that the demon has occupied the place for a long time and the monster has eliminated all those who visited the place.
To disguise among men, the demon dresses just like one of them.
It is also equipped with huge wings, which are placed behind its back and can "flatten" at will, folding them several times over, to make them completely invisible under the clothes Its skin is gray and is spotted with green.
In addition to the superpower of spontaneous regeneration after eating a part of the body of others, which has probably survived over the centuries, Creeper possesses many other abilities. It has incredible strength and physical strength, and can continue to fight even if severely wounded. The people are not enough to impale it or stick a bullet in the head to kill it. He can fly and thus greatly increase his speed. Its smell has a dual function and is very developed, especially at close range. In addition to the two normal nostrils, the Creeper possesses a third, placed on the top of his nose, which allows him to understand when a person is afraid and which specific part of his body wants to eat.

Creeper is a monster from a horror movie called “Jeepers Creepers”

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