... nobody cared about person's appearance?

It just takes a tenth of a second to get a first impression of somebody. With this first impression people decide whether they like or dislike each other. Our decision usually depends on the voice, the body language and the appearance of the person we meet for the first time.
Even if it happens automatically: we often define humans because of their personal appearance and pass judgement on them. But what if nobody would care about how a person looks?


Probably people would start to think different about each other. They would start to care more about personal qualities and characters. A pretty style, the perfect haircut and things like make-up or jewelry wouldn't matter anymore. This would cause a lot of complications in the fashion business or in advertisement because things like shopping or beauty would be of no importance.
There would be no trends to be followed, no ideals of beauty. Probably many people would change if they knew that no one of them needs to look perfect in the eyes of others.

I can imagine that in a world, where people would only care about the character and personal qualities of each other, friendships and relationships would be much more intensive.
Everyone would place more value on how honest, polite or humorous one can be.
We would see the real character of a person without being influenced by his or her look.

The first impression may be important for our generation today, but we should never forget that it is mostly based on a person's appearance. This is why I think that it is necessary to get to know persons better, before we pass judgement on them. A real friendship or relationship doesn't depend on how you look, it depends on how you treat each other.

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