... people were divided into factions?

Do you know the ''Divergent'' trilogy? It is based on the novels by the American author Veronica Roth. The trilogy deals with a generation that is divided into different factions, due to the assumption that the whole population could be classified because of everyone's personal aptitude and value.
The factions are Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), Erudite (the intelligent), Abnegation (the selfless), and Candor (the honest).

All sixteen-year-olds must pass a placement test and need to select a faction afterwards, to which they will devote for the rest of their lives.
Can you imagine to perfectly fit into only one of them without fitting into another as well? Would you be able to behave just as your are told to your whole lifetime?
What if our generation today would be also divided into factions?

In my opinion it is one of the most difficult things to allocate a person into a strict categorized society. I cannot imagine that one of us would perfectly fit into only one of the factions. Nobody is selfless or honest at all the time. We can be intelligent and brave in equal shares.
If we were divided, we would never be able to act how we normally do. Of course, we would chose that faction, whose properties were similar to our character. Our choice would depend on what we think of ourselves.
Probably we would start to disguise and suppress our thoughts and feelings. Once divided, the only way to be accepted by the society would be to behave as we were told to. There would be a feeling of being forced or restricted. Probably, persons that don't fit into any category would be expelled and need to live in poverty.

Due to the fact that relationships and also friendships would only exist among members of the same faction, the other people would be like strangers to us.
I also think that it would be very difficult for us, to have no contact with our families and friends anymore, if we decide to change the faction at sixteen because of our test results.

Our whole human kind would work like a machine, because there would be less feelings and emotions. Everyone would have a task to fulfill. We would be born just to adapt the rules of the society. Of course, there are not only disadvantages to be named. Such a regulation would also cause a more organized routine for everyone of us.

I personally see the advantages of not being divided into factions today. Humans are not made to fit into only one of these categories.

What do you think? Which faction would you chose if you need to decide on day?

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