
I would like to invite you to a trip into the supernatural side of our life, when humans and animals are not anymore the main actors of reality.
Let me introduce a mythical creatures to you, which name’s reminding us to respect and fear it without it to be malicious or bad.

Griffin or Griphon is a guardian, a creature king of every living being having in it the features of the king of the beast and the king of the birds and skies, majestetic and powerful.
Griphon has body, tail and back legs of a lion, head, wings and front feet of an eagle and through that it is frightening in its appearance itself.   
Griffins are shown as guardians, guardians of treasures and priceless possessions. It is said that in its nest you could find golden nuggets and the try to take some of the guarded treasures could even cost your life.
But he was not only the watchdog of those material things, often this beautiful creature is said to protect one from Evil, witchcraft and slander, as well his claw has medical properties and his feathers are able to restore sight to the blind.
Also you could say that they are extremely faithful beings as they are mated for life and they would remain lonely to the end if their partner would die.
But this animal full of wisdom and power is well-known through all kind of legends but never surreally named. Now, is it not kind of understandable, after all I read once, it “was more of a symbolic creature than one used thoroughly in legends and folklore.  In this sense, it seems more appropriate that this mythical beast would maintain some level of anonymity, respect, and mystery”.
So now to you, what do you believe or what do you know about todays creature of Hellas, were are its origins, if you are courious check out the answer under my article.



Representations of griffins were yet dated to be created in Ancient Iran and Egypt dating back 3000 BC. Findings were dated in Levant, Syria and Anatolia in the Middle Bronze Age 1950- 1550 BC and then also in Ancient Greek art around 15th century BC and of course much more.

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