
The Crocotta is described as a combination between dog and wolf or between hyena and lion. It is the offspring of a lioness crossed with a race of various animals. The most astonishing ability of the Crocotta is that he can imitade human and cuttle voices perfectly. But it uses this aptitude in order to deceive its enemies and to tear them into pieces.


It sneaks around farms and hides in bushes to listen to peoples conversations. It learns the names of the men and finally calls them out of the house at night. When they come closer it swallows them. Nearly the same strategy it uses in order to kill its other enemies, the dogs. By simulating the distress of men it attracts the animals and swallows them.

The creature is as strong as a bull, the bones in its jawbone are unbreakable. No weapon of steel would be able to kill it. It is brave and extremely fast and said to dig out the buried dead at night. And it has other fascinating powers. The Crocotta is not only able to change its voice, but also its colour and gender by will. Its eyes are out of valuable gems. Everyone who places them under his tongue gains oracular powers.

Now its your turn, what do you think. Is this frightening creature an invention of hollywood and just appears in horror-movies or exciting thrillers or is it a part of the Greek mythology?



Our todays creature from HELLas is part of the Greek mythology.




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