
The creature of today's episode can be described as quite similar to the human race.
This makes sense in so far, that the creature used to be a normal human.
But now there is one difference in terms of the composition of its brain making it to something abnormal.
Namely it owns a brain with extraordinary abilities, allowing the creature to experience a lot about its mortal environment.

Before telling you what the special skills of the creature are I first want you to know how it attained these.

There was this crime act in a house which was familiar to the creature.
The perpetrators followed the creature because they feared him to be a witness.
Finally they managed to shoot the escaping creature in the head.
Luckily the creature took his iphone in front of its head, which made it barely survive the hunt.
After waking up in the hospital the doctors detected splitters of the iphone extremely close to the brain of the creature.

From now on the creature was able to use its brain as kind of a hacking tool.
Next to hearing other peoples phone calls or text messages by only coming a little closer to them, it is also possible to send text messages straight out of its brain.
But not only that.
It furthermore is able to use the world wide web in a impressively effective way.
Shutting down anything being connected to computers in any way is only one of the many abilities the creature is capable of.

The creature is obviously not part of the Greek mythology and is called iBoy. There is a book and a movie of it outside there.

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