...we threw all our trash into volcanoes?

Nowadays, our community produces million tons of trash every year and we have no place where we could put all the trash. So why don’t we just throw all that into volcanoes, which are extremely hot and would be able to burn any trash?


When it comes to volcanoes there are many different types of these massive fire-spitting mountains. Some of them erupt once every few years in a gigantic explosion due to the immense pressure building up under the earth’s surface. This is not the type of volcano we are looking for. We are looking for a volcano that is simply a lava lake that slowly spits out only small amounts of lava, so we throw all our trash in for it to burn away.

So imagine we found a volcano-like that, the next question is how we are supposed to get all our rubbish there. Since volcanoes are not near humans for the obvious reason it would be an extremely expensive endeavor to transport all our trash there.

Furthermore, even if we managed to find a way to bring our rubbish there, it’s extremely dangerous to throw even anything into volcanoes. In 2002 a team of scientists threw a 30kg bag of trash into a volcano and it resulted in a big explosion, most likely due to the unstable nature of volcanoes and the big temperature difference. Rocks falling in a volcano caused an almost 100-meter high explosion so just imagine throwing millions of tons of trash in one.

Not even mentioning the catastrophic air pollution that would occur if all the garbage burned away without any air filter.

So all in all, throwing our trash into volcanoes is rather a bad then a good idea and we need to find a different way of getting rid of it, also reducing our production of trash is one thing we need to consider!

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