
Welcome back for another round of "creatures from hellas". Today I will present to you a small and ordinary looking creature called Frikiastikós .

However, don't be fooled by his innocent looks. Translated Frikiastikós means horrific and that describes this monster quite well as he is worse than you could ever imagine.  
Frikiastikós resembles a sweet tiny hamster. He takes advantage of his innocent look and in the night he creeps around the streets looking for tiny holes in the walls of the houses. Even the smallest crack is big enough for Frikiastikós to squeeze through. He then searches for the nearest bedroom or rather his next victim. The victims are always fast asleep when the horrific monster attacks them. He quietly sneaks up the bed and crawls into your ear. He bites his way through until he reaches the brain.
The victim might feel a little dizzy the next day. However, he or she has no clue that the dizziness is a result from Frikiastikós attack. It can take up to a week until the little monster decides to crawl out of your head again. During this week he slowly but surely eats up your brain piece by piece. Therefore, the victims suffer a slow death filled with agony.
The first signs of an attack are harmless compared to the following symptoms. It starts with memory loss and a bad migraine and ends with the victim feeling unconscious and bleeding from his ears, nose and mouth.
Some people try to protect themselves from this evil little creature. They stuff their ears with cotton to prevent the monster getting inside. Unfortunatley Frikiastikós always finds a way to kill his victims.

What do you think? Is this blood-seeking monster a creature from hellas or is he made up ? Click on the solution button to find out!


Luckily Frikiastikos is made up by me. That being so, you can go to sleep at night without worrying that Frikiastikos will eat your brain.

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