...we could control the weather

Sometimes the weather is really annoying and blocks our plans or messes up our free time and holidays. Who didn`t wished for himself to be able to change the weather? And poof - sun is shining and you can go for a swim in the sea. Wouldn`t that be amazing?! So here`s the topic this article is talking about – What if we could control the weather?

So first of all there`s the question whether everybody on earth could control it to his or her benefits or a specific group of humans like a parliament decides about the weather. Or if you can book or order it if you have special needs for example if you are a farmer or if you plan to go on vacation. If everyone could control the weather, it would be absolutely chaotic. Nearly everyone would change it mainly to his or her benefits. Surfers would change the wind to their needs, farmers to their and some people would just change it after a certain mood. So probably it would be better and way more organized if you could vote every day the weather online or if a group of people can influence it. They had to be aware of the huge responsibility of this task. It would be like a government department of weather. But to be honest this job wouldn`t be very adorable because there would always be people that blame you for “bad” weather that is obviously necessary for the nature. It`s impossible to know exactly which weather the nature needs every single day and still satisfy the human wishes.

What do you think about this topic? Do you think human could master this task successfully? Or do you think the weather should stay out of control of humans? (Even though we already influenced it and the climate in general a lot, but this is another topic). I hope you enjoyed the article and I gave you something to think about.

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