
Today I would like to tell you something about another very frightening and mysterious creature here on “Creatures from HELLas” .

The creature I want to tell you about is called the “Kratzinos”. The interesting thing about it is that you can not see it because it doesn’t have a physical appearance. Nobody knows what exactly it is.

The “Kratzinos” could be just molecules in the air we breathe or maybe it is like a creature in the form of bacteria or a virus. Nobody knows the answer to that. All we know is that the “Kratzinos” takes control of your brain and therefore also control of all your thoughts, desires and actions.

It is a very destructive creature which enjoys torturing its victims and watching them suffer while slowly destroying their lifes by killing everybody and everything they love under the control of the “Kratzinos” itself. Once its victim has lost everything he or she loves the creature takes control of the next victim and leaves the old victim left with nothing but pain.


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