
The Nian is a ferocious beast that lives in the mountains and hunts for a living. You can recognize the Nian easily as it has the body of a dog and the head of a lion. Read the article carefully and have a guess whether the Nian is a creature from HELLas or not.

The Nian indeed hunts animals in the mountains but during winter when food is scarce it is forced to find food somewhere else. It would often just eat the crops that the people had farmed over the year. Nevertheless, it sometimes longs for some variety and even eats villagers, mostly children.

After many attacks during the winter period the villagers came up with some ideas to protect themselves. First of all, they decided to put food on their door steps hoping the Nian would spare them if it is not hungry any more. But over time they discovered that the Nian is scared of three things: loud noises, fire and the colour red. From then on they would hang red lanterns and red spring scrolls on their windows and doors. The villagers also started to use loud firecrackers to frighten away the beast. All of the people put on red robes and made additional noise by hitting drums, plates and empty bowls.

So, what do you think? Is the Nian really part of the ancient Greek culture? As always you can find the solution below. If you are ready just press the button.


No, the Nian is not a creature from HELLas but is part of the Chinese tradition. At the beginning of the Chinese New Year the people still make noises and decorate everything in red.


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