
This week we are happy to present to you the magnificent Telefteos. This creature is a massive giant that looks like a mountain.

Therefore it’s actually very hard to figure out that this actually is a creature. Most of the times it is in a deep slumber, sometimes it starts to wake up and this results in geothermal activities like mostly small, sometimes very big explosions. Telefteos has one characteristic that makes it special: once every few thousand years it completely wakes up and goes on a journey. This means that the massive mountain suddenly starts moving at incredible speed and doesn’t stop until it has reached its destination. As soon as Telefteos arrives where it wants to move, it immediately falls asleep again and doesn’t move for another few thousand years where the whole cycle starts all over again. This whole process is normally finished within a week. One has to be extremely careful not to be in Telefteos way, because nothing can stop it from reaching its destination. In other words, it just runs over everything and everyone without hesitation. It is not clear why it does all that or what its origins are. The only thing known is that it definitely exists longer than any human being or any other animal ever existing. So now it’s your turn! Do you think Telefteos is part of the Greek mythology or not?


Telefteos is not part of the Greek mythology and completely made up.


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