
This week I am back with another round of creatures fom HELLas the format where you guess in the end weather I gave you information about a real creature from HELLas or if I mislead you and the creature just came up from my mind. So here we go this weeks creature is called Tebelios. 


One of Tebelios powers is that he is hidden so well. You can not see him at all. So to be fair Tebelios is more a spirit than a creature. You might think now that a spirit cannot be that dangerous, but trust me you are wrong. This invisibility is what makes him that powerful because you basically cannot notice if he attacks you. So it is also very hard to defend him. Tebelios lives from your energy that means he takes your energy to nourish himself. The result is that you have less energy and instead of getting all your tasks done you feel lazy and exhausted. But the worst thing is that Tebelios usually stays insight you and he even grows. That means that you manage to do less and less things and especially tasks that have been on your to do list for weeks like cleaning the fridge or calling your grandmother stay there for longer and longer and even longer. His attack is like an endless circle because as more task as you delay it gets more and more unmotivating to start doing them. In the end procrastinating becomes your daily habit. With all this procrastinating your psychological health decreases as well. It makes you feel bad to not get your tasks done, but you are just not able to do them because it is Tebelios who takes all your energy and motivation. This is why people have been afraid of him since forever. Luckily, there is a way of preventing Tebelios attack. You basically need to stay on top of your to do list. By using your daily energy and motivation completely and finishing all of your work you are not attractive to Tebelios because you do not offer enough energy for him to survive. I know it can be very hard to be active all the time, but if you really want to make sure that Tebelios does not take control of your body you better stay productive.


So this is now the point where you need to evaluate my information. Is Tebelios a creature from HELLas or not? Click the solution bottom below to check your guess


Tebelios is not a creature from HELLas he is just your normal laziness.


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