...there would be no borders

Borders mark the outer edges of each country in the world. The have a geographical meaning as well as culture and traditional importance but the also play a big role in the worlds of economics and politics. So what if there would be no borders?


For people who live in a country which is part of the European Union borders of countries are something that you can easily cross without any need to show an identity card or passport. Entering another country of the EU is actually that easy that you sometimes do not even notice the country change. But still borders exist and the power of them got shown just recently. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic almost all countries around the world decided to close there borders to avoid a wider spread of the virus. As a result people were not able to go to work, the flow of goods got stopped and some people could not even visit their family. The close of the borders had a huge impact on the daily life of many people in the European Union but also on the economics of each land. So the impact of borders on us is huge. Probably many European citizens just realized this power through the corona virus but for people from other countries borders are not as easy to cross in general. If you for example think of what a vacation in the states acquires you will remember that you need to request a visa with the exact duration of your stay. So you need an permission to cross this border and not everyone gets this allowance. But if there would be no borders everyone could basically go where he would like to go. People could change there residence without any problems and life as well as work wherever there would like too. Also, there would be no taxes for im- and export goods anymore. Trade would be possible around the whole world without any limitations. No borders would bring a lot of freedom but on the other hand it would also result many questions. Since borders define who belongs to which country they also give rights to their inhabitants. For example the right to vote or the right to get social help from the state. Without borders people would not belong to states anymore because states would be dissolved. The organization of the whole world would be completely different. Also borders are only one barrier between countries the language barrier for example would still exist as well as differences in cultures and traditions. So the imagination of changing you residence very easy is actually dubious. Although it first sounds like the pure freedom to have no borders anymore I think it would be a huge disaster. Borders define who belongs to which countries and there are the base for the organisation of our life. Still the pandemic showed how nice it is to be able to cross borders as easy as it is in the EU and this is something very unique in the whole world. It is something great which gives us many opportunies, and we should appreciate this.


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