
Since the beginning of “Creatures from HELLas” we introduced numerous terrifying and brutal creatures to you. On today`s Episode I will present you one that is by many considered to be one of the most dangerous and also annoying ones. As always you will have at the end of the article the opportunity to guess weather these creatures are a real part of Greek mythology or not.

The sotiuqsum is a creature that has two big eyes and in these two big eyes hundreds of smaller lenses. Furthermore, it has six legs and can fly around with his two wings. They are only about the size of an apple but often go in groups and also attack as a group.

In the Greek mythology these creatures lived with Hades in the Underworld. They were supposed to guard the dungeon in case someone manages to pass by Cerberus the three headed dogs. It is also indicated that they absorbed the last bit of over-world life that the Soul of a dead Person could still remain in itself.

They were supposed to stay in the Dungeon and never leave the Underworld. However, when Heracles manged to get into the underworld to finish his last task, to capture Cerberus, he tricked the sotiuqsoms, to leave the underworld and so they started to spread all over the world, preferable at parts of the world that were as hot as the underworld. Since then they lost their immortality of the underworld and need to absorb the life energy of humans and half gods by biting them, to stay alive.


The Sotiuqsom are no real part of the Greek mythology, they are just regular mosquito's in big.

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