... humans could download Data on their brains?


Imagine a world where humans don’t need to study anymore. Everybody can just download all the information they need in a couple of seconds from their Computer into their brain. In this article I will discuss in which way this ability would affect an Individual and weather it would be a Dystopia or Utopia.

The first important question is how much Capacity human brains actually have. Today’s Scientist assume that the human brain can hold 10-100 terabytes of Data. This amount would be enough for every person to individualize himself. However, the amount of Capacity also differs from person to person. To use the Capacity of your brain in the most efficient way and to have the luck of genes that provide you with a lot of free room for Data will be two of the most important indicators for personal success in the society.

When thinking about the way this technique will affect an Individual, the first thing that probably comes to your mind is that you wouldn’t need to go to school or University anymore or wouldn’t have to go in your past. You could just download all the Information that normally require years of studying in a couple of seconds.  However, schools aren’t only supposed to teach pupils information about school subjects but also to teach emotional and social skills. Hypothetically you could just download certain social and emotional skills on your brain so that you have everything you need to know about human interaction and emotional stability in a couple of minutes on your brain. At this point you would just need to adapt this information in real interactions with others. You could even check who downloaded similar Data and social skills and find your perfect friends without ever worrying that you could disagree on a topic or have a fight about something. Real learning will probably slowly die out and may end up as a hobby for people to do it in their free time if they are bored.

As you can see with this example the normal life of an Individual in this world is basically the progress of downloading Data on their brains and learning to adapt them in their life or use them in a way that they can benefit from them. To weather judge this world as a Dystopia or Utopia you have to decide how important authenticity is for you. In this fictional world where you can easily download the instructions for every skill, even happiness, your life will be like a dreamworld, that you didn’t have to anything for. If you don’t mind the fact that you basically turn yourself in a robot, that is just programmed to be happy then you can see it as a Utopia.


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