The Sofa

Where do you sit in the evening to relax after work and enjoy your favourite movie? Where do you take you after lunch nap? And where do you lay on, when you visit the psycologist? Exactly, on a sofa!

 This is right after the bed probably the most comfortable furniture in each household, and
even public locations like airports and coffee shops would not be complete without a comfy couch.


But did you ever wonder who had the genious idea of building the first sofa?
Officially the couch how we know it today was invented by the british man Jay Wellingdon Couch
in 1895, although many various version of sofa like furniture dates back until many centuries Before

Of course there always have been various seating possibilities for people, which developed from
simple single seats to more decorative furnitures. To make conversations, civilised parties and
getting to know your love interest easier, people quickly started to put the chairs closely next to
each other, put some pillows on them and volia: The first sofa was born!

As shown in various ancient art pieces, already ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians used seats
for more people to have a higher comfort at converstation rounds and parties.
Today sofas are inviting and create a homely, warm atmosphere. The practice of watching television
while slumping on a comfortable couch has given rise to a social phenomenon titled, “couch

As the Greeks are known for their lifestyle of good food, music, culture and comfort, I wondered if
the first sofa in the world maybe got invented by the Greeks! But then again also Tut anch amun
and Ceasar knew the advantages of a good couch,so who was first to invent the sofa?
If you want to know who to thank for for making your life more comfortable, just check out the solution at the end of the page.





Even though it is not 100% sure if the ancient Greeks, the Egypts or the Romans had a couch or sofa like furniture first, ancient Greek art depicts gods and goddesses lounging in this type of chair. But it also dates back to ancient Egypt, so the most common Theory is that Greeks, Egyptians and Romans developed this confortable way of sitting parallel of each other. The modern Greek word symposion comes from sympinein, which means "to drink together". In ancient Greece this word conveyed the idea of a party with music and conversation. The principal item of furniture for a symposium is the kline, a form of daybed. The Greeks changed from the normal practice of sitting at a table to the far more distinctive practice of reclining on couches as early as the 8th century BC.

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