

Madelyn iris Munsell also known as Madelyniris is a 21 year old singer-songwriter from St Louis, Missouri. Gifted with the ability to hit the rarity of a high A flat, Munsell has found most of her vocal training through classical voice teachers .Despite most of her foundation resting in the classical world, Munsell continues to venture into the indie pop territory with her’ latest album Adventures.

 But something that not everybody knows is that she has a disease called dealopecia areata universalis meaning that she has no hair on her body. It took some time for Madelyn to deal with not having hair, but she accepted that’s she is never going to grow out hair and the last time she was wearing a wig consistently was high school.

The song we are going to listen to today is called "Adventure" and it’s about an ex-lover whom she was driven 10 hours to see but he has fallen in love with someone else, Overall, the Adventure  proves enormously successful for Madelyniris, as it’s captivated by delicateness, ethereal qualities, and primarily and most importantly, versatility and diversity.


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