... there were underwater trains in Greece?

Usually it takes you a lot of time to come from one island to another in Greece. Depending on the distance you travel from half an hour up to 20 hours if you take the ferry. But what if you could take an underwater- train, as it exists already between France and Great Britain?

The first and most important thing that would change would be the travelling time. You would be so much faster and could use your time doing other stuff than sitting in the ferry with limited capacities. You could spend more time with your friends and families, if you’re visiting them. Or, if you are on a business trip, you could maybe make some sightseeing stops, or come home earlier, as you finish everything earlier.

As a result of less travelling time Greece would be more connected. That means that everything, postal items, persons, and everything that is transported could arrive earlier and communication and contact in general could grow. Then also poorer families, who may have not enough money to pay a flight and too less time to take the ferry, would have the possibility to travel more. Also the amount of travelling people could increase, as a consequence of possibly lower prices than the airplanes take.

But I fear that in the next decades this will not happen. Maybe this could be a future project in some hundred years, when the technical possibilities grew more and the financial capacities of Greece are more flexible. Or maybe the traffic management in this coming era will not need trains at all anymore. We don’t know yet what might happen but until then we can continue dreaming and let our imagination run wild!

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