
Today I will speak you about a wonderful spice with a lot of good properties that can help you to surpass a sick period or just avoid to get sick! I’m talking about…ginger!
Ginger was one of the most favorite spices both in culinary field and in medical one, used for the first time in ancient Greece. It has been exploited for thousand of years and, in fact, it is mentioned in various ancient texts.

It was discovered by accident by a doctor during an adventurous journey at the time of the ancient Greek gods. Alexandros, that was his name, after wandering for months found, in an unknown region of the Peloponnese, an herbaceous plant with long leaves and yellow and purple flowers about one meter high, the ginger.
All the active principles were concentrated in the rhizome, a sort of root. The medical properties make it a concentrate of beneficial effects, and initially some people thought it was a magical plant.
Alexandros discovered that ginger had antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory, digestive, remedy for nausea and dizziness, and thanks to its antibiotic properties, a strong ally of the stomach, intestines, heart and circulatory system.
The most used, simple, fast method to benefit from its extraordinary properties was to prepare a warm infusion.
Besides having many healing properties this plant could be also used to prepare delicious dishes.
At the present day ginger is used in the oriental medicine and cuisine but it’s also common in the rest of the world.
So what do you think of this story? Can it be true? Check out the solution in our web site.
See you and thank you for listening.


-This story is not truth! Ginger is originally from the Far East, but the Greeks really knew and used it!

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