... everyone wore the same clothes everyday?

Do you ever get annoyed if a friend or an acquaintance wears the same shirt as you one day, or your best friend always copies your style? So what if everyone wore the same clothes everyday?

Everyone would look the same, right? That would be boring; most people show their personalities and style through their clothes. It’s easy to judge a person by his or her clothes, when you see a person with expensive clothes from an expensive brand, you would most probably think that the person is rich and if you see a person in cheap or wrecked clothes, you would instantly think that the person is poor.

If everyone had the same clothes, there would be no judging, everyone would look the same, so you would not be able to see if a person is rich or poor. On the other hand you would not be able to express yourself trough clothes, some musicians express themselves through music, in the same way some people express themselves through their clothing.

I would say that dressing alike is a good thing in different circumstances, for example school uniforms, this gives children the opportunity to get to know each other without the instant judging. Dressing differently gives us the opportunity to express who we are and maybe what interests us to people who doesn’t know us.

Therefore dressing the same at work or school is not a bad thing, but most people would probably not give up their opportunity to dress like they want any other day.

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