... the sun went out?

What if the sun suddenly disappeared? No chance of this happening, at least not in the near future. It will take billions of years before our star "dies." But what would happen to earth if the sun were to lose its energy?

It is no exaggeration to say that the sun provides life on our planet, offering not only light and heat, but also the energy that helps us to feed ourselves with oxygen and food. But if the sun exploded or suddenly became cold, for the inhabitants of the earth, man, plants and animals, it would be the end.

The first major change would obviously be the absence of light. This would not happen instantly. In fact, it takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds so that the sunlight reaches earth. Basically we would have about nine minutes left.
What will we be able to see without sunlight?
Fossil fuels and electricity would still be used for a while. So cities and countries could continue to be illuminated. The difference is that it would be night all over the world.
Without sunlight one of the fundamental processes that regulates life on earth, the photosynthesis, would stop. Without the sun, the plants would no longer be able to inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, the basis of life.
Furthermore without the sun on the earth it would be very cold. The earth's surface temperature is average about 14 degrees C, but after a few days without Sun, the temperature would be below the freezing point. The ocean surface of the planet would freeze, but deep down, below the surface of the frozen water, water in a liquid state with traces of life, may still remain.

So, the life in the earth without the sun will probably stop, or anyway it will radically change.


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