
Most people love tea and it is in many peoples daily routine but who invented this popular drink.

Tea was invented in ancient Greek 700 bc by a Greek philosopher called Proclus, he loved do drink warm water and one day he was out on a walk with the water and a green leaf fell into his water, the water turned green and Proclus tried it to his surprise it had a really nice flavor and was refreshing, after that he experimented with different leaves some where good and some where bad but after a few weeks his whole village where drinking it and after some years tea was used as medicine.

It was also used as a beverage drink on social occasions .Tea was prepared differently in Ancient Greek than today’s world. Tea leaves were processed and compressed into cake form. Then the form was put into hot water.

Nowadays tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world only water is more consumed.

This story is false tea was invented in china



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