What if ...

Hypothetical, no-nonsense and worthwhile: Listen to our small "What if"-scenarios about pretty much everything that could be different.

The "What- If"- scenarios closely resemble this logo that we created: Imagine a balloon is passing your way with the written question "What If.." on it. In our mind that captured many different situations, seriously and funny.

So what if ...

... sunlight was the only thing you needed to survive?

Maybe you can imagine living like a vegetarian or a vegan for some time. But could you imagine not drinking or eating anything at all. To purely nourish yourself from sunlight.


... we wouldn't sweat?

It's summer again and here on Chios it's very hot now. Summer is nice but there is one annoying thing about it, you start to sweat. Everybody knows it, your skin get's wet, you start to smell and have to shower or to use deodorant. But what if we wouldn't sweat?


... all people would be vegans?

Maybe you can imagine to eat no meat for a longer time or you already tried it. But what do you think about living completely without products produced by animals?


... the Gulf Stream stopped?

Have you ever heard of the gulf stream, also known as the 'heating of europe'? And what would happen if that big heating suddenly stops? Would we have another ice age?


... the atmosphere disappeared?

Everybody has heard of the atmosphere, the giant layer of gas that surrounds our planet, but could you tell what would happen if it just disappeared? In this week's article i will tell you just that, so let's get started.


... we still wrote love letters?

I guess everyone of you has been moved at least once by a beautiful love poem written by an author of the past. But you have to think that, not so long ago, also our grandparents were writing down their feelings and their desires in some beautiful words: they were writing love letters.  


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